27 August 2010


I never understood why, when people are going on next to no sleep, instead of going to bed, have a short fuse and argue about things that would not seem as severe without a good sleep. Anyone who knows me knows I am not a person who likes arguing. Heck, I don't even like to haggle over prices. All I desire is peace and tranquility. Some people who argue when fatigued seem to have a habit of using hurtful word choices like when something said by the other is an emotional fact they use the phrase "You contend to..." If you bring that to their attention that you are hurt over their words, they will tell you that you are arguing semantics. After they upset you they close the door and leave you to stew. Some days I think it is better to just stay in bed.


Johnny Yen said...

Hey you! Glad to see you posting again!

My best friend Jim calls people like that "Crazy-makers." They walk into a room, stir up shit, then leave. I try not to let them get to me.

Bats in the Belfry said...

Yeah, I figured after a 2 year hiatus, it was time.