My son decided to go vegetarian about a month and a half ago. The concept is not new to my family. I’ve gone vegetarian in the past. I think it’s actually a great idea. I love the idea of eating locally grown food and healthier choices. Ever since he was a baby I made sure to feed him a healthy diet. My diet growing up was filled with sugars and processed foods. We are now eating better and feel great.
My cousins’, aunt, and uncle have been vegan for years. The middle cousin is so dedicated to being a vegan, after she finished culinary school she opened a vegan restaurant here in Chicago, The Balanced Kitchen, which has been a huge success for her.
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Got a good recipie for eggplant? Something simple? There is an orchard (yes you read that right) that grows some great eggplants but I have no clue on how to cook em.
I'll ask my cousin. I was just there for lunch yesterday. The BST was awesome. A Tempe bacon, sprouts and tomatoes. She makes a non-dairy and egg mayo but I can't stand the stuff.
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