23 July 2008

Why so much hate?-Part 3

It seems Mr. Slappy continues to get volleyed about. The Vegas Art Guy (http://laurichg.blogspot.com/) give him a bit of whats for. (Also should add, Vegas Art Guy is a blog worth reading. Thanks VAG).

Vegas Art Guy:
Mr. Slappy, it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. As much fun as it is for people like you to bang on teachers for all the ills of society, maybe you should try living in the real world. I checked the pay salary for the area I live in and IF you have a PHd and have taught for many many years you could earn a total of $70000. Secondly, until you've taught in an at risk school, you really have no clue on the difficulty involved. Go teach or substitute teach for a while then come back and tell us how easy it is to teach. We'll be waiting with breathless anticipation for your pearls of wisdom.

Mr. Slappy is obviously someone who is either, into a bit of the S&M or has such a miserable life he has to make those around him miserable. The people I feel most sorry for are his wife and children to have to deal with this idiot on an ongoing basis.

I'm still trying to wash the toxic poison of this person off of me.


The Vegas Art Guy said...

He deserved to get slapped. And I've heard that your favorite adult beverage is wonderful for washing id10ts off of you... :)

Bats in the Belfry said...

Gin and tonic, here I come.

The Vegas Art Guy said...

I usually go for beer, the good stuff mind you not the mass produced crapola...

Bats in the Belfry said...

When I use to have a drink it was a gin and tonic. In my early 20's I was a beer snob. Dark beer was my favorite. I lost the taste for alc. years ago. It's been a good 5 years since I've had anything. If you ask my son he will tell you he can't remember a single time he's ever saw me with a drink. I guess I became too fuddy duddy.

The Vegas Art Guy said...

How about one of those mocha frappy things?

Bats in the Belfry said...

I just drink a regular cup of Joe. If I want a milkshake, I'll go to an ice cream shop.

My Dad always calls them milkshakes.