28 November 2006

Just when you think it can't be more amusing

The hell that is the school I work in is run by a Principal who is NEVER there. She decided not to come to work today after arriving after 11 am yesterday. I guess that four day Thanksgiving Holiday was too exhausting and she needed to get a pedicure to go with the new hair style she sported yesterday. They decided to go on with the faculty meeting without her.

As my fellow Teachers began to make possitive steps towards working out Dicipline solutions with security and the Assistant Principal the PA system broke in and the school Counselor announced a call for the secretary. All of us stopped and stared. We all realized at the same time that the Counselor never bothered to show up to the meeting. The Assistant Principal (second in command if I am not mistaken) got up to tell her to get to the meeting. When he returns he was livid. He was told by the Counselor she was busy and had other things to do as an excuse for not attending the meeting. Within a few minutes of his return the Counselor comes storming in yelling at the top of her voice. "Don't come at me like that. I is as grown as you. (She is the ripe old age of 22 compared to the Assistant Principals 54)" She continued to yell at him while he remained cool headed. We Teachers quietly left the room. What a fresh new hell....


Unknown said...

Sounds like quite a school. We have bickering but I can't imagine anyone actually shouting at anyone else. The worst we ever get is a few tense looks between senior staff. Because I'm new I try to stay out of the way of any frowning and stare at the floor wherever possible.

Bats in the Belfry said...

The sad thing is the only senior staff we have is a Teacher who worked there last year. Beyond that we are all new staff. I am very fortunate to have wonderful faculty at the school. They are an excellent support system. I didn't know what I would do without them.