14 March 2007

52, Are You Kidding Me?

My 2nd Period Class was just given 5 new students in the last 2 days bringing my total number of students in that class to 52. It is a Consumer Ed class and let me tell you, it is next to impossible to teach 52 Alternative Ed Students at the same time.This morning a boy was in the Computer lab during my 1st period Computer class. I asked him to leave. 10 minutes later he was still there I asked him to leave again and he became volitale. I wrote him up and then had to see him the next period. Again he began to become riled up. I have security in my class this period because of the size, 52. When security tried to take him out he took a swing at the security guard. This turned into security, a male teacher and the lunch lady trying to restrain the boy. Mean while all of the students have poured into the hallway and want to jump on the teacher and security so we are trying to pull students off the faculty and not get hit in the process.I told them repeatedly there are too many students in this class. I was informed yesterday that they would not take anymore out of the class. I am stuck with 52 until June. I'm just awed I didn't get punched in the process. Here I am, all 5'3 of me pulling these 6 foot kids off of a fellow teacher. Even though the male teacher was on the ground with the kid, security and the other students, he's alright. Poor guy.Well, I guess it's back to attempting to grade papers, ha.My rant is over.And by the way, my favorite nephew has turned 18 today! I could weep when I think of him growing up. He has turned into such a cool dude. Of course having a Goddess for a Mother and Aunt doesn't hurt. Big Props to this awesome Dude!

06 March 2007


I called my Grandmother about an hour ago to see how she was doing. It's been awhile since I've spoken to her. Probably since I first started teaching in September. She told me something that completely shocked me. My cousin Tyler, who is 6 months older than my son, HAS CANCER! The doctors found a tumor on his thyroid so they decided to take both out to be on the safe side. When they took out the one without the tumor they found cancer. His mother, my aunt who is the same age as my husband, had a complete liver transplant a year and a half ago due to Hepatitis C. Now her only child has cancer. I guess they tested to see if they got all of the cancer and we will know something in the next few days. How insane!

To Cry...

I have this amazing student who just transfered in this semester. She only needs 2 classes, both mine, to graduate. This remarkable young woman gives you hope for the inner city and with the youth of today. She is like a ray of sunshine to walk into the class every morning. She is a single mother of 2, works full time at a hospital, has her own rock band (in a school where 99% is all Rap, it is a breath of fresh air), and pretty damned smart to boot.

Last week she told me that doctors discovered a tumor on her brain. She told me on Friday that she would be getting results this Saturday. What I was faced with this morning that this wonderful girl was dying. There is a surgery that could maybe save her but the likelihood of survival was only 25%. If she does not do the surgery she has at the most, 2 years to live. It took all I had to not cry today. Such a wonderful girl who has so much potential will not be here to see her own daughters graduate high school or even grade school.

There is so much ugliness in the world. Often I go to work dreading it until I find a student like this who makes you happy you showed up. When I told her it was breaking my heart she told me not to be sad, it was difficult for her to be around sad people. She wanted to go on with the life she has left. By 3rd period I was bawling like a baby.

When faced with something like this it really makes my problems seem so insignificant.

05 March 2007

Last Week Was Not My Week

Monday-Was in a hit and run. There I was minding my own business and this stupid woman hits me while I am at a complete stop for the traffic facilitators. She was going at least 35.

Tuesday & Wednesday-Cannot move my neck. Find out the stupid woman does not have insurance and I only have liability as the car is old and I am an under paid teacher at a charter school.

Thursday & Friday-Horrible days with students. This new kid kept throwing up gang signs and one of my brighter ones would not wake up during 7th.

Friday night-Start feeling really ill.

Saturday-Felt like a truck ran me over. Went to doctors for results but she has to do the test over because she didn't get a good sample.Still had to write lesson plans for next week.

Sunday-6 loads of laundry and feeling like complete crap.

Today-Day off of school. Could do nothing but sleep. Papers still in a pile ungraded.

I feel like crap, need at least 2 more days of bed rest but cannot take days off of work. The National Accreditation walk through is this week and a day off means a day that my fellow teachers loose their preps and deal with my classes. I could just scream! If I were in a real school I would be able to have a day off and know that a Sub would come in.

Just a cranky week and day

11 February 2007

10 Years?

Yesterday I cleaned out our storage unit to find things for the rummage sale at the boys school. What I also found was Chris' old answering machine. That was one of the things I got after he died. I packed it away without listening to it. I couldn't, the pain was still too fresh. I brought it upstairs with me yesterday and played his incoming messages. On one side were the last messages he received. It was so sad to hear his last message, the one from my Grandmother. There were only a few messages, one from my younger cousin inviting him to my aunts birthday party and a few from his friend in Wisconsin. The one person who loved him most of all was the last person to leave a message for him. I turned the tape over to see if their was anything else. While listening I realized what the other side was. He had saved all of the messages from his wife. There were many messages of love from both she and he to each other. There was one message from my uncle Charley and a shock voice, mine! He had saved a few voices on the back of the tape, during his happy time with his wife, and I was one of them. It was the only time I have ever heard my recorded voice and didn't hate it. Maybe because there was emotion in my voice. Maybe because it was for Chris. I do not know. Hearing his voice made me remember him all the more. I always think of Chris but hearing his voice made the memories all the more vivid. The tears did not flow yesterday while I sat there listening to a peice of his life. Now they do. I miss him so very much. It never gets easier. Time does not heal this wound. I wish we could have given him more to live for.

25 January 2007


You are 35% geek
You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.

Normal: Tell our geek we need him to work this weekend.

You [to Geek]: We need more than that, Scotty. You'll have to stay until you can squeeze more outta them engines!

Geek [to You]: I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain, but we need more dilithium crystals!

You [to Normal]: He wants to know if he gets overtime.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com

23 January 2007

What a "Cat"

I took a feline quiz, seeing as how I am part cat, and was amazed at who I was most like as a cat:

You're the Pink Panther. Suave and sophisticated, you enjoy your superiority and your natural grace. Though to some, this attitude makes you appear arrogant, most people are attracted by it rather than turned off. You especially enjoy being in the social spotlight. It just doesn't get any better than this.


1468 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 47017 times.
18% of people had this result.

Am I really this bad?